Where to Buy and Sell Online?

Posted by needtshirtsnow 03/31/2018 1 Comment(s)

Where to Buy and Sell Online? Top Online Flea Markets


Find Out where to buy and sell T-shirts Online.


Learn the Top 5 Websites to buy and sell custom t-shirts online.


Update February 18, 2019.


Top 8 Websites to buy and sell online


Looking for websites where sellers and buyers can meet and even sometimes negotiate prices. Below we will take you through a list of the top 5 online websites where you can buy new and used custom items.


Top 5 Websites to buy and sell

  • eBay
  • Amazon
  • Craigslist
  • Facebook Market Place
  • Etsy
  • Walmart
  • Alibaba
  • Aliexpress


In no particular order, these are the Top 5 websites that you can go to buy and sell your old clothing. I Have used all of these websites to sell custom t-shirts and to buy items that I may have needed. They are great for selling your items but I always recommend having your own website. Learn how to build your website.


eBay - eBay is a Place I do not believe will be going anywhere anytime soon. It can sometimes be hard getting your items seen but there are no worries because most eBay shoppers are bargain hunters and will probably use the filters to find the cheapest prices. Listing an item on here is as easy as it gets, so you can have an item for sale in less than 5 minutes.

eBay does not want you to receive any traffic back to your website so they will not allow you to post links, videos, pictures with your website etc.  They will not even let you share your email with customers. Still, it is a great place to get a couple of sells and buy items that you will need. eBay is also a good place to find antique and vintage items.


Amazon - If you haven't noticed by now Amazon is the King of online shopping these days. Selling on Amazon is more difficult then eBay but if you can ever get set up you should receive a good amount of traffic. If you are buying from Amazon then you have a lot of great options.

Amazon offers 2-day Amazon Prime. This means that you can get your items shipped to you in as little as 1 day. The problem with Amazon is that you need a 2-day membership. Another thing is that if you are selling t-shirts on Amazon you need to remember that they are now your competition. They also print and sell custom t-shirts after acquiring some Kornit printers.


Craigslist - Craigslist was a once great and to me still is. Although it seems like craigslist is dying due to other websites like facebook Market and now Craigslist trying to charge you to list on certain categories. Listing on craigslist use to be great for Seo also until they started removing the backlinks. If you are looking for a local place to find equipment then craigslist will always be a go-to place in my book.


Facebook Market Place - Facebook marketplace is fairly new and I always still seem to forget about it but they have been picking up recently. Another cool thing is that you get to see who you are interacting with before you meet up to make a purchase or sell, unlike Craigslist.


Etsy - If you are selling any crafts or anything custom Then Etsy is the place to be. Etsy is great for selling T-shirts, Art, jewelry, stamps, home decor, etc. 


Walmart.com - If you didn't know Walmart has been ramping up their eCommerce business and is quickly catching up with others like Amazon. They also offer free 2-day shipping on all items shipped from Walmart but you do not need a membership. I am not sure how hard it is to sell on walmart.com but I know they have people that are doing it.


Alibaba - Alibaba is an international website that is similar to eBay an amazon. You can buy directly from buyers that are shipping out of China. That means that you will be getting the most discounted rates possible. Some sellers are also shipping out of places like Bangladesh and India. Bangladesh makes t-shirts.

They are known for producing quality shirts at a low price. These shirts then become custom t-shirts that we print on. Keya USA, the shirts that we use to use were actually made there. If you have the patience to wait, you can actually find some good deals on here. Just don't be surprised if you are waiting months for your items.


Aliexpress - Aliexpress is actually owned by Alibaba. You will find a lot of knockoff stuff on here. Anything from knockoff belts and shoes and knock off designer clothing. I am unsure at how hard it is to sell on here but like to hear everyone's experience.



Know of any more online places to buy and sell? Let us know in the comments below.

1 Comment(s)

Janet Mecca:
08/04/2018, 06:34:05 PM

I haven't had any success on any other site other than Mercari. I have an Etsy account as well. Mercari should be on this list, it also has a mobile app.

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